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Borzo delivery integration

Make deliveries even easier for your online shop with Borzo

Bringing Borzo into your online shop can be a practical step towards easier deliveries. It can simplify your delivery process and improve the whole shopping experience for your customers, making it a win-win for everyone.


1. Login to NB Back Office then
Go to Store -> Sender Address (For Indonesia you need an IDR sender phone [+62]. For India, you need an IND sender phone [009].

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2. After Setting up the Sender Address, go to 
Apps > Borzo > Click Install 
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After installing the app, click Settings.

Enter your Borzo API Key and select a country (you should have the API Key after you’ve created a Borzo account).

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3. After connecting, select the Sender Address you will use, then enable the Ships to Address (*Borzo does not support Ships to Office) 
Set it to Active.

Click Save.

4. After that go to Store -> Shipping Methods -> Add Shipping Methods 
Enter the names you want to use for Borzo and add Borzo as a Courier.
Then select what payment method you can the customer use for Borzo 
After that click Save.

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5. After that go to Store > Shipping Methods > Shipping Zones > Add Shipping Zones 
Select the country you want Borzo to be available then choose Borzo in the shipping method.
Click Save.
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What Borzo looks like in the Storefront
After that, your customers will be able to use Borzo as a shipping method in the Storefront.

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How to Generate a Transaction ID or to send the orders to Borzo
After a customer orders using Borzo as a shipping provider.

Go to your store's Admin panel > Orders > Click the Eye Icon (Action Button)

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Click the Generate Waybill button to generate a transaction ID.

After generating a transaction ID, the Borzo portal will get the order.
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Notes (Will be enhanced in the future):
Always remind that Customer needs to use +62 for Indonesia and 009 for India mobile phone # else the generation of transaction ID will fail

Always remember to use +62 for Indonesia and 009 in the sender address phone # else the generation of transaction ID will fail.

Borzo only supports same-region delivery and not nationwide.