Make deliveries even easier for your online shop with Borzo
Bringing Borzo into your online shop can be a practical step towards easier deliveries. It can simplify your delivery process and improve the whole shopping experience for your customers, making it a win-win for everyone.
1. Login to NB Back Office then
Go to Store -> Sender Address (For Indonesia you need an IDR sender phone [+62]. For India, you need an IND sender phone [009].
2. After Setting up the Sender Address, go to
Apps > Borzo > Click Install
After installing the app, click Settings.
Enter your Borzo API Key and select a country (you should have the API Key after you’ve created a Borzo account).
3. After connecting, select the Sender Address you will use, then enable the Ships to Address (*Borzo does not support Ships to Office)
Set it to Active.
Click Save.
4. After that go to Store -> Shipping Methods -> Add Shipping Methods
Enter the names you want to use for Borzo and add Borzo as a Courier.
Then select what payment method you can the customer use for Borzo
After that click Save.
5. After that go to Store > Shipping Methods > Shipping Zones > Add Shipping Zones
Select the country you want Borzo to be available then choose Borzo in the shipping method.
Click Save.
What Borzo looks like in the Storefront
After that, your customers will be able to use Borzo as a shipping method in the Storefront.
How to Generate a Transaction ID or to send the orders to Borzo
After a customer orders using Borzo as a shipping provider.
Go to your store's Admin panel > Orders > Click the Eye Icon (Action Button)
Click the Generate Waybill button to generate a transaction ID.
After generating a transaction ID, the Borzo portal will get the order.
Notes (Will be enhanced in the future):
Always remind that Customer needs to use +62 for Indonesia and 009 for India mobile phone # else the generation of transaction ID will fail
Always remember to use +62 for Indonesia and 009 in the sender address phone # else the generation of transaction ID will fail.
Borzo only supports same-region delivery and not nationwide.