Create product variants

Swift and valuable creation of product variants for a better presentation in the online store

After you have created a product in your online store, you can create variants of this product.

e.g. - product: bathing suits; attribute: color; variants: blue, white, green.

Creating attributes and their variants does not need a pre-built product.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Catalog > Products.

  2. Click the edit button next to the product for which you want to create variations.

    create product variants 1
  3. Go to Attributes and select one of the "single selection" attributes for this product.
    create product variants additional 1

  4. Navigate to Variants and follow the steps of the process, pressing the Next button to proceed to the next step.

    create product variants 2
  5. In the final step, click the Generate variants button.

 create product variants 3


Take a look at our video below—it goes hand-in-hand with the step-by-step instructions in this article: