Using Labels

Labels are a useful feature when a merchant wants to mark a specific group of products in their store

Labels allow the marking of a specific group of products when the merchant wants them to stand out, to boost sales for that particular product group.

Example of a Label

For example, when there's a "New" collection of clothes, and the merchant wants it to be highlighted in some way, this can be achieved through this functionality on the NEXT BASKET platform.

You can control labels through the Catalog > Labels

There will be stored the default labels that you can use for you promotional needs (soon to be updated).

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To control a label, you need to click the edit button:

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NEXT BASKET provides the opportunity to personalize the system label by adding an image and changing the visible text.

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Set the duration of the selected label in the Days active field - e.g., if you need to promote new products for the following ten days, set the duration to this specific time. This way, every product you display on your storefront will be marked with the "New" label.

Set the status to Is active and confirm with the Save button.

*You can always "hide"(deactivate) a given label by turning off the "Active" button at the bottom of the screen for the respective label.

using labels additional EN


Take a look at our video below—it goes hand-in-hand with the step-by-step instructions in this article: