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Creating Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows you to quickly and easily update tracking codes and related code snippets, collectively called tags, on your website or mobile application

To implement your Google Tag Manager into your site, you first need to create an account at https://tagmanager.google.com if you don't already have one.

Connecting your online store with Google Tag Manager

Once logged into your account, you need to create a new container:

  • After logging in, you will be in the Google Tag Manager dashboard.
  • Click on "Create Container". Enter the container name (usually your website's name) and choose the target platform (Web).
  • Select the appropriate settings for your container, such as enabling "Enhanced eCommerce" features or configuring the "Container Type".

After completing these steps, you'll need to agree to the terms and conditions.

After creating the container, you will be directed to the container's workspace. At the top of the workspace, you'll see the container's name, type, and associated GTM identifier (ID). This GTM ID will start with "GTM-XXXXXX".

To implement the created identifier in the NEXT BASKET platform, you need to install Google Tag Manager in the Applications section.

Under your Admin panel, go to Apps and hit the Install button under the "Google Tag Manager" app.

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Once installed, you need to copy your GTM ID from your Google profile and paste it into the Google tag code field. After placing the ID, you need to activate the application status, save the changes, and your GTM will be configured.

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