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Featured Popups

A quick and easy way to promote your products and services in the best way possible.

As an e-commerce store owner or marketing manager, you can use your NEXT BASKET admin panel to create, schedule, and manage advertising pop-ups from the dedicated function Featured Promotions. This will streamline your promotional efforts and give you control over pop-up promo campaigns.

How to set up a featured promotional campaign

  1. In your e-shop’s admin panel, go to Marketing.
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  2. Select Featured Promotions.
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  3. Hit the Create Featured Promotion.
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  4. Upload an image for the promotions. The options are for a Mobile and Desktop.

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  5. Enter a name for your featured promotion.
  6. Insert a link to the product you want to promote.
  7. Type a popup title.

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  8. Use the Exit Intent button to set the pop-up promo to appear when clients are focusing the cursor near the closing button of the store’s webpage.
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How to Publish the Popup Promo

  1. Set a Start and End date of the featured promotion.
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  2. To publish the popup promo, set the status from Draft to Active.
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  3. Hit the Save button to finalize the process and start the featured promotion.
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After creating a featured promotion, you can easily modify, edit, or delete it, by following the steps: Marketing > Featured Promotions. Under the List section, all of the created featured promotions will be visible. Use the edit or delete buttons to modify or delete the selected featured promotion.