Flutterwave Payment Configuration

Unlock secure and efficient payment experiences by creating a Flutterwave account. Benefit from streamlined transactions, enhanced business verification, and the ability to integrate effortlessly with the NEXT BASKET platform.

Create a Flutterwave account

  1. To open a Flutterwave account, you need to log in or register. Then, you can follow the steps on this page.    
  2. Verify your business on the Flutterwave platform by submitting the necessary KYC documents for identity verification. During the verification process, your settings will be in test mode.
  3. Navigate to the Settings section from the dashboard.
  4. Scroll down to the Developers' section, and select API keys to obtain your public key, secret key, and encryption key.

Optional: To make sure transactions aren't affected by weak networks, you can set a webhook URL and create a secret hash.


Integration with the NEXT BASKET platform 

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click on Apps.
    NB-Step 1
  3. Select Flutterwave from the list.
  4. Click Install and then navigate to Settings.
    NB-Step 2

    NB-Step 3
  5. Input the public, secret, and encryption keys generated above. Enter the secret hash you set on your Flutterwave dashboard.
  6. Click Save to complete the integration process
    NB-Step 4