Add and manage Products

Using your NEXT BASKET Admin panel you can manage your products, and add essential information about them and their variants.

While on your Admin panel, on the top left select your store > Catalog > Products.
Manage your products and product Variants 1

Create Product

In case you want to add a new product to your store, hit the Create Product button. 1 en

You'll have the option of adding different product values under the categories:
  • General
  • Attributes
  • Variants
  • SEO

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Create Attributes

You can add, edit and remove product attributes.

Go to your store, then go to Catalog>Products>Attributes>Create attribute. Then enter the necessary information for your new attribute and hit Save.
If you want to create an attribute for a concrete product, go to Categories>Products, hit the edit button of the product and go to Attributes. After making your changes, hit Save.
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Edit Products

You can also easily change product information that you have already added to your products.
Go to Catalog > Products > Hit the edit button of the product you want to update.
After editing the product information, hit the Save button to apply your adjustments.
Manage your products and product Variants 5
Take a look at our video below—it goes hand-in-hand with the step-by-step instructions in this article: