Product availability

Maintaining a product catalog is a crucial task when you have an online shop

Changes in online business are dynamic and often require updating the information your online store presents to its customers.

In e-commerce, the most common change is product availability. Through your NEXT BASKET admin panel, you can easily adjust any change in the product quantity to avoid discrepancies between the announced amount in the online store and the actual warehouse stock availability.

Checking product availability

Checking product availability is straightforward. After logging into your profile and selecting a store, while in the Admin panel, click on Catalog > Products.

Information about the quantity of available products will be displayed for each item separately in the Stock column.

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Changing Availability

In the case of a purchase from your online store, the system automatically updates the product quantity.

If a product is returned by a customer, you need to input the change automatically. This process is simple and can be used whenever you want to modify the product quantities in your catalog:

  1. Go to Catalog > Products and click on the edit button next to the product whose availability you want to change.

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  2. Scroll down to the "Stock" field and make the necessary changes. If the availability is unlimited, toggle the "Unlimited Stock" switch.
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  3. To confirm the changes, press the Save button in the upper right corner of the Admin panel.